Shop + Give

Shop + Give = Turn everyday shopping into everyday giving
While we may feel that our individual donations are insignificant, individuals like you make up over 80% of all charitable giving. 

 Worldwide Giving Facts 

Yet most of us feel confused, uninformed, and lost when it comes to picking a great charity and truly impacting lives around the world.
The most effective thing any one person can do to help ignite change is to give a small, regular gift to a great charity. 
Here are a few simple ways you can contribute to Global Change ....


A simple idea: give nonprofits the advantage to fundraise using the everyday practice of online shopping.  Making the explosive trend of online shopping a powerful fund-raising tool, helping bring philanthropy to the broader public.

The Omid Foundation Shopping Mall is a unique online shopping experience where you can shop the things you normally buy from the retailers you normally choose and the prices you normally pay. Here is the best part - when you shop though the Shop + Give website you are also helping the Omid Foundation benefit from all your purchases. If you download our EZ Shopper APP  you don't even need to go through our website. Every time you shop online at one of our retailers we automatically receive a contribution. The beneficiaries of your generosity are the young women in the care of the Omid Foundation. 

How does it Work?
The Omid Foundation works with Nonprofitshoppingmall LLC (NPSM) to drive a new revenue stream of unrestricted funds into Omid Foundation's annual budget. The 500+ retailers listed on the Nonprofitshoppingmall (NPSM) website pay a sales percentage or set fees to NPSM. NPSM, in turn, pays sixty percent (60%) of those Retailer Payments to the Omid Foundation on a quarterly basis. The percentages or fees are fully disclosed by each retailer and appear underneath each retailer's logo. 

Do I have to begin shopping from the Omid Foundation site or can I just go directly to the retailer's site?
If you haven't downloaded the EZ Shopper APP, you must begin on our site in order for Omid Foundation to benefit from your online shopping. Without the APP, this is the only way a retailer can recognize that your purchase originated from our site, and the only way to ensure that a portion of the proceeds from your purchases go to Omid Foundation.

Shop + Give Today Contributing to the Omid Foundation has never been this easy

Contact Omid Foundation if you have any questions:, +44 (20) 75846949 or +1 (301) 5710847


Give Back to Your Foundation
GiveBack allows you to do all your giving in one place, without hassle or any complexities. Any charity, any time, any amount. It is a new charitable giving platform that empowers its members to earn, gather, and give money to the causes they care most about.

- 100% of what you give goes to charities
- Get money back from purchases to give away to the causes YOU care about
- Give a penny or give hundreds of dollars. 

Sign-up and create your own Cause Today by clicking here


 Fairtrade ensures that producers get a fair price

There are many ways that you can begin to make more ethical choices in your consumption patterns. With the growing fair trade market, it's easier than ever to make socially responsible decisions when purchasing. Fairtrade is a strategy for poverty alleviation and sustainable development. Its purpose is to create opportunities for producers and workers who have been economically disadvantaged or marginalized by the conventional trading system. You can find fair trade alternatives to many everyday products. Chocolate, tea, coffee, balls for sport and clothes are just a few. There are even a number of fair trade cafes around the country to make coffee with your friends a world changing event.

How do I know which products are fair trade? Keep an eye out 
for the official fair trade logo

How should I start? You can start buying fairtrade products by participating in the Big Swap.


Brighten someone’s Day by changing the life of another

One for One.  For every shoe you purchase, TOMS Shoes will give a pair of shoes to child in need. It is about people making everyday choices that improves the lives of  children. 

In 2006, American traveler Blake Mycoskie befriended children in Argentina and found they had no shoes to protect their feet. Wanting to help, he created TOMS Shoes, a company that would match every pair of shoes purchased with a pair of new shoes given to a child in need. One for One. Blake returned to Argentina with a group of family, friends and staff later that year with 10,000 pairs of shoes made possible by TOMS customers.


Shab H said...

"I’m convinced that engaged service (in time or money) to one’s community (down the street or an ocean away) is key to feeling valued and connected. It is good to be good. And a gift to the right charity can actually contribute to social justice by giving voice to the voiceless. Meantime, resist. Resist the urge to buy. Instead, give – ethically and year-round, not just now. Finally, decry gross inequality and elected officials who ignore it." --Lawrence Scanlan

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