A hefty yet graceful movement is transforming the world as you read, and it’s propelled by a wave of philanthropists on an unwavering quest to abolish global poverty.
In 2009 Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, begin sketching a grandiose blue print for philanthropy. "The Giving Pledge" ask the wealthiest Americans to give away half of their net worth to charities. So far 40 Billionaires have signed on. The Combined worth of the pledge so far is up to $125 Billion.
In 2009 Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, begin sketching a grandiose blue print for philanthropy. "The Giving Pledge" ask the wealthiest Americans to give away half of their net worth to charities. So far 40 Billionaires have signed on. The Combined worth of the pledge so far is up to $125 Billion.
Among the 57 billionaires who have pledged to give at least 50% of their wealth are Ted Turner, Barron Hilton, T. Boone Pickens, David Rockefeller, George Lucas, Michael R. Bloomberg and Paul G. Allen. For a full list of the participants click here
With 400 of the current 937 Billionaires living in the United States there is no telling how large this fund could get.
Some billionaires such as Warren Buffet and Larry Ellison have already pledged $46.5 and $26.6 Billions respectively, far more than half of their net worth. "We hope this movement will lead to more, and smarter, philanthropy," Buffett said. Gates and Buffett estimate their efforts could generate $600 billion in charitable giving.
"Only by giving are you able to receive more than you already have."
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